Quotations to Live By
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Beware of Career Advisors
The following are people a person should NEVER get career advice from:
1. Parents
2. Relatives
3. Close friends
4. Teachers
Here is why - a person should only get career advice from people who have succeeded in some way in their careers. For example, if your father is an Engineer, and you would like advice about the Accounting profession, then it is not wise for you to seek advice from him. If he happens to be a really successful Accountant, then yes.
This goes the same with Relatives and Close Friends. Especially relatives. Most of them are just nosey people who think they know what's best for you. Again, if they happen to highly successful in their respective fields from which you want answers, then go ahead. Otherwise... beware.
'Tecahers' is a sensitive topic here. Teachers can teach...but... only about subjects that they have been trained to teach e.g. maths, statistics, accounting, physics. But from what I know, most teachers have not been trained and do not have deep experience in relations to different professions. Unless, of course, if the teachers happens to be a highly successful lawyer but decided to teach law because she wants to contribute to society - then I would advice you to take advice from this teacher (but only in the field of law, nothing else).
We have too many 'advisors' trying to tell us what to do every step of the step of the way. Be very careful, but do not be rude. Just say 'thanks' and seek the real pros.
Note to parents:- I hope that you try NOT to pressure or give advice to children about their careers. Help and support them, but do not mislead them if you are not sure yourselves. The days of "you must be a doctor, accountant, lawyer, engineer etc..." are gone. Give them the freedom but guide them to the proper resources and people for the real advice.
I have got many many hate mails from this message. But... I have also gotten a lot of 'thank you' notes. Anyway, it's your choice.
My Boss, the Client
- RULE: Do not treat your boss as a boss. Treat your boss as a Customer
What I have learned about properly managing clients and customers:
a. Make them look good and they will make you look good
b. What ever you give to the CEO (bis boss), give to the HR Manager (direct boss)
c. You better be more prepared than the client
d. The client wants results, not activity
e. No matter how much I hated my client, he is still the one buying rice for my family
f. Clients don’t like to hear the word “No”. They prefer “Maybe”. The best is “Yes, can be done.”
g. Clients will pay you for one job but request ten other jobs for free if they can.
h. You have to produce first, then only get paid.
i. If you want a big project, aim for the small project first.
j. If something goes wrong, the client will kill the consultant. He won’t kill anyone else.
k. A client will pay you the rate that they think you deserve, not what you think you deserve.
l. A client won’t pay for your development. They expect you to get better by yourself. If not, they just look for another consultant.
m. You are not the only consultant they can hire. Are you better than the rest? How do you know?
n. The client is always right. Agree first, try to change later.
o. Clients hire you to solve problems that they cannot solve or do not want to solve.
You will thank me for this someday.
Flat Org Structure vs. Succession Planning
In flat organizations, it is difficult to convince existing leaders the merits of Succession Planning & Talent Management. This is true when those leaders know that there is no where else to go. The only other 'higher up' position is the CEO. So how?
This is tough. I can only think of three solutions:
1. Spin-off new small Business Units
2. Special Projects
3. Specialist Ladder
Before I continue , I have to make this statement: Embark only in pursuing these options ONLY IF the existing leaders are worth keeping.
Ok. Now let me explain:
1. Spin-off new small Business Units - break up the the entire business into smaller Business Units (BU). The beauty of this is that the BUs do not need to be officially registered. Just make the BU Head be in charge of Revenue and Profits. Caution: Ensure that there will be no in-fighting among BUs.
2. Special Projects - re-create the organization as such that Departments become secondary and Projects become primary. Most Consultancies are managed this way. The existing leaders can then be heads of various Special Projects (hopefully each project lasting avg. 2 years).
3. Specialist Ladder - Instead of Heading a Department/Division, existing leaders who are technically inclined can be promoted into 'Consultant', 'Advisor', or 'Master' positions in subject fields that are important to the company.
No easy way out.
Feeling Lonely? Conduct a Meeting.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
How to reach your maximum Potential
You think you've got potential? You think you are the special 'one' and the world will open up for you? You think that talent is all it takes? Boy have I got news for you...
Ok Ok. You've got Potential, and you know it. Interested in maximizing your potential to the fullest? Here goes:
1.Grow up
Stop whining and complaining. Life is not fair. Get used to it.
2.Understand Yourself
Know who you really are. Put your strengths to good use. Beware your weaknesses.
3.Invest in Yourself
Invest = Time + Money. Go do it.
4.Eliminate “Cannot be Done”
These three words will stop you from going far in your career. Stop it.
5.You are being observed all the time
Performance Appraisal is conducted on you 365 days a year. Don't forget it.
6.Everything depends on Relationships
If people hate you...well, it's hard to get things done.
7.Choose your close Friends
Close friends influence your character, thinking, and attitude. Enough said.
Aim to be always of service and you can get anything you want.
9.Control and use your Emotions
Gettting angry at the right moment in the right place is crucial. Practice.
Do important things first. Prioritize things that are of Value. Switch off your TV and go play with your kid.
Time to do something.
Questions on Talent Management: March 2007
In summary, the following seam to be the top TM issues of the participants:
- Flat org structure restricting existing leaders from moving up
- How to define 'Potential'
- Managing Prima Donnas
- Getting Top Management support for TM & SP
Have I got it right?
LC vs. MES = ?
MES vs. LC:
- Individual problem solving vs. Group problem solving
- Classroom vs. Work Groups
- Memory power vs. Reference power
- Tests vs. Improvement Scores
- Single Intelligence (IQ) vs. Multiple Intelligences
- Keep Quiet vs. Discussion
- One right answer vs. Multiple correct answers
- Accept everything vs. Question everything
- Follow Standards vs. Creativity
- Pen & Paper vs. Calculator
- Absolute points vs. Lifelong Learning
- Narrow thinking vs. Broad thinking
- Serious vs. Play
- Telling methods vs. Questioning methods
- Fear vs. Fun
- Single Media vs. Multimedia
Go figure.
Leadership Contradictions
"in the past 18 months, we have heard that profit is more important than revenue, quality is more important that profit, people are more important than profit, customers are more important than our people, big customers are more important than small customers, and that growth is the key to our success. No wonder our performance is inconsistent"
The number one Leadership Challenge is that leadership itself is full of contradictions. However, a great leader is someone who can accept and use both sides of the contradictions at the same time.
The contradictions become even more and more ridiculous when a person rises in the leadership hierarchy. The following are some leadership contradictions that will pose difficult leadership challenges to all leaders:
- Decisive
Accept uncertainties. Decide on what you need to decide and get on with it.
BUT…. Not Decisive
Think Gray (not black, not white), Delegate the decision-making, Put off to tomorrow - Timing of decision is as important as decision - Dependent
A leader must learn to trust and depend on their people
BUT… Independent
Ability to simultaneously view things from two or more perspectives - Get advise from Experts
BUT… Be careful of Experts
Never take experts too seriously & Never trust experts completely - Take recognition
For losses
BUT… Don't take recognition
For victories - Focus on present
Reality, Results, Systems, and Processes
BUT… focus on future
Strategic foresight & Vision - Skills are important
BUT… Skills are not important
Especially in human relation matters - Its not what you say, its what u do that's important
But… its not what you do, its what u say that's important - You are in control (resources, processes, systems)
But… You are NOT in control (people) - Need ego (confidence)
but… cannot have ego (pride, inflexibility) - Decision based on feelings
But… Decision CANNOT be based on feelings - Leadership is the goal (influence, credibility, trust)
But… leadership is NOT the goal (achievement, next level leadership, improved lives) - Continue changing
BUT… Consistent (values) - Big view (business, community, lives)
But… Small view (individual lives) - Leadership is all about Inward (mind)
BUT… leadership is all about outward (measure of success) - Mature (thinking, actions)
BUT… child-like (explore, why?, ideas)
Who said being a Leader is easy?
But first...
Why am I here?
At the end of most conferences that I have been invited to speak, I have been asked to write down and share my thoughts on various topics - some related (and many not related) to the ones that I spoken on. Why they ask me to share is still a mystery to me - my grammer so-so, I have limited vocabulary and I cannot seem to speell a lot of words propearly.
However, I do admit that the very same people who have heard me speak gave comments such as "unorthodox", "weird", "debatable", "not according to best practice", "honest", "practical" etc. Hmmm...maybe that's why. Anyway, here is the blog. I am not sure what I will share in each posting. It's going to be quite random (hence the title)... but hopefully useful and occassionaly life changing.