Try Me

Quotations to Live By

"No amount of advertising will make up for a bad product"

Rishad Tobaccowala, Chief Innovation Officer, Publicis Groupe Media

Thursday, May 17, 2007

TIME to know

Before we can start to really 'manage time', we need to know a few things about it:

1. Time is irreversible
Every second is precious. Once a second passes, you can NEVER EVER claim it back. Do no waste it with activities that do not add any value to your life. Analyze all the time wasters in your day. Use the "Off" switch on your TV. Play with you kid.

2. Value = Time + Money
What a person really values in their life can be tracked from where they spend their discretionary Time and discretionary Money. A person can lie and boast about how much they value their spouse, but if they spend their time and money on stuff other than their spouse, I know they are lying.

3. Love is spelt as T.I.M.E. to your loved ones
This is obvious. The most precious gift I can ever give to my wife (according to her) is my time.

4. Interruptions will always happen
It always surprises me how so many people keep giving the excuse that they don’t have enough time to complete something or meet a deadline because they were “interrupted”. ‘Interruptions’ is a part of life – it will always happen and we should just accept it. In everything that we plan, always always always always build in the interruption factor.

5. Time investments compound
Two facts about compounding: the earlier the better and starting small will always compound to something big down the road. As such, the investment of time in anything (relationships, self development, planning, etc) must be done with these two facts in mind. In other words, “Start small, grow fast”.

6. “I don't have time” = lower priority
When somebody tells you that they ‘don’t have time’ for something you ask them to do, it means only one thing – your request is of lesser priority than whatever they hand in hand. Managing time means managing your priorities and making sacrifices (more on this in a later post)

7. Time required for something expands according to expectations
This is a tough one explain, but I will try. Let me ask you question which you have to honestly answer… “Do you get more or less work done on the day before a long holiday compared to your other work days?” More work done? Why? Simple. On normal days, we expand our time to complete tasks to fill up the time available. In other words, the excuse of “I don’t have enough time for…’ is not valid. It just means that you have not learned to optimize your time.

Time to do something.


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